Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Feliz Navidad Familia!
I hope the Christmas spirit is really good back
there in Utah, its all great here. People are so poor, there is
not much for presents and other festivities. What is great
though, is that everyone here still loves Christmas here,
because everyone is Christan! Its really cool to see that here,
many people get lost in the idea of presents, and festivities.
Here, the people only have Christ to look to, because no one
really has money to do other things. I got a photo of the
Christmas party, you all look a bit older, especially Daniel and
A Christmas miracle happened this week. I lost my
hymn book .... again.... about four months ago at a baptismal
service, I left it on top of my bag, and when i took my comp
clothes to change because he baptized, it was gone. Well, my
friend elder Martell from California was visiting some less
actives, and he found it! A little girl robbed it when she
went to the service four months ago. Its a little dirty from
all the little children, but is still good, and has the note
that aunt nick wrote in it.
Our other miracle was we had a baptism this week.
When i first got to Puerto, we visited this lady who did not
want much with us. She always said she would go to church, but
never ever went. We eventually left teaching her, until this
change. Then almost out of nowhere, when we decided to visit
her a few weeks ago, she was ready to accept the gospel. Then,
she even had her 10 year old baptized this week. It was great
to see how some people are not ready to accept the gospel now,
but in time they can change. She has not missed church since
we first visited.
Marcos our recent convert is doing good, he came
to church twice each Sunday for the last two weeks. Here is a
photo of him and my comp. We also had some heavy raining, A
members house looks a bit swampy, doesn't it?
Thanks for all that you guys do, have a great cold
Christmas this year, and always remember that giving is always
better then getting. Love you all!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
A la Muelle
Hola Amado familia!
How has the Christmas season been going up there in the
freezing cold. Always hot and sunny here in Nicaragua. This
week has been super great with my new comp Elder Torres. He is
just a ball of energy, who loves to work and is always happy.
It is great.
We had a baptism this week with a guy named Marcos. We
found him about three weeks ago with Elder Shawcroft. This guy
was so excited to be baptized and change his life. What amazes
me is how much he has changed. Before, people say that he
would wander around town drunk, doing nothing. But then he had
a change of heart over the past few weeks. He has been sober
since we found him. Even though 99 percent of the people we
are trying to help reject it, the one percent makes up for it.
We did have some problems though... When we got to his baptism
at 9 am, the font was completely filthy, full of dirt because
they had recently cleaned the water pumps that pump for all of
Puerto. We had to spend and hour and a half draining and
cleaning it and then another hour to fill it. Marcos and his
mother waited 2 and a half hours for him to be baptized, it
was great. He then went to church Sunday morning, and then
again Sunday night! What a miracle.
Today my comp and I went out to meet our friend Chester
on the Pier of Puerto. I snuck in some photos as well. Almost
all the money that comes from Puerto comes from the sea. Today
we seen a guy dragging a train of 6 gigantic turtles up the
pier. They will surely end up as lunch tomorrow. It is kind
of sad, but the people got to eat something more than beans
and rice.
Thanks for all the emails. I feel really distant from you
guys. Cant wait for the 25! We will make plans next week for
when we can talk. Any time is ok for me. Love you all, have a
great week!
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Adios Shawcroft
Elder Shawcroft and Elder Croft |
Funny story, we had to got to the police office to get
some papers for Shawcroft's Visa here. When we were waiting
in line, a big fat rat came running around the floor over
peoples feet and hid behind a board in the office. Luckily
an office worker quickly jammed the board into the wall,
squishing all of its contents (The Rat). Pretty gross, those
things are everywhere. We seen three of them in the rafters
of our house the other night chasing one another fighting.
A big fat dump truck got stuck in our area this week, it
was tyring to go over a small bridge this week, and it did
not support its weight, and the little passover broke. The
truck had to empty all its garbage over the street when they
were getting it unstuck, so it was like a little dump in the
middle of town, not that much different than other places,
because people throw their trash on the ground anyway.
Its water pear season, so some of these trees give off
these pink needles where the flowers are, after they fall
off, it looks a bit odd with these patches of pink on the
Our new branch presidency is doing well, but Francisco
has gotten an infection around his hip, it looks pretty bad,
and he does not have any money to treat it. It is so sad how
poor some are here, he did not have 35 cents to get an
injection to help the pain before we went to his house. They
are absolutely broke, I think he only lives off of rice and
beans, like many others here.
Thats all for this week, thank you for all the emails. I
know that it gets kind of boring having to write me each
week, but I really appreciate it. It is so nice to hear what
is going on back at home. I already know i have forgotten a
lot about that place, it feels like it has been forever
since i have been home. In three weeks we can talk on Skype
again, that will be great. Thanks for everything, love you
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Dia de gracias!
Happy Thanksgiving for all of you, and hope that el
espiritu de navidad is there in Utah. Christmas is starting to
be seen around here, most people are so poor that they don't
have decorations, but others go all out. Thanks for all the
emails you sent me, sounds like all is going well at home.
This week we received a new presidency in our branch.
President Glen was ready to have a break, all of the pressure
was on that family. Whats crazy is that all of the new branch
presidency is new converts! All of them! That means all of
them have less than a year as amember. Even crazier is that
Accordino and my convert Francisco was called as second
councilor. He had never missed a day of church until the day
he was called, because he got really sick this Sunday... que
suerte. But it is so great to see new people taking on great
roles in the church.
Mom and dad, I had been afraid to tell you that i lost my
baptismal clothes a couple of months ago, we had a baptism,
and i could not find my pants for the longest time. This week
Elder Monson had a baptism with his new companion, and they
had the family who washes our clothes baptize their new
convert. Afterward, I found my pants hanging out to dry, full
of sand because the baptism was at the beach. I was really
happy about that.
On Thursday we had a Thanksgiving breakfast! My friend
Elder Walker from South Carolina cooked crapes for breakfast,
they were great.
On Friday we went to the hospital to find a recent
converts mother who is very ill, we searched for an hour, but
could not seem to find her. The hospital is so out of date,
and dirty, no one really wants to be there, but people dont
know how to take care of themselves here, so everyone ends up
going all of the time. We did however find another member and
their baby sick in the hospital, and talked with them, then
even crazier we found a member of the district presidency in
the hospital with appendicitis! We gave him a prayer, because
there were to many people around to do a blessing, but he
looked really sick, he could not even open his eyes due to the
The photo I am sending was at lunch in a place called
membreƱos, We are all in the same district. There's Elder
Shawcroft from Colorado, Shirlee from Idaho, Accodino from
Saint George, Walker from South Carolina, and Baltimore from
Florida. Our district is super great, and we are all really
good friends. We all have more or less the same time in the
mission as well.
Thanks for all of you guys, miss you all a ton. I cant wait
for next years thanksgiving! Love you all!
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
And they sing, and sing, and sing!
week again as always. We have been working really hard this week to
find some news, but with little success. We have however found some
people that are amazing with the faith that they show. This week
we had a great lesson with one of our investigators named Yarkha
who is 19, we taught the lesson, felt the spirit, and even asked
her to baptize. Sadly something was keeping her back from it, but
we did not know why. Then, as we were leaving the mom came up to
us and told us that we cant come back to visit her anymore
because they are evangelic o. Sad stuff, but luckily our
investigators sister is a member, and she still went to district
conference! It is great to see that there are those people in the
world that look for God on their own, and not from family tradition.
Other news! I was going to be released from my mission on Aug 30 2016, but the MTC is having a change in the time missionaries are going to be there. So... we have been given two more weeks to work here in Nicaragua! So I will now be leaving around Sept 12. Its only two weeks more, and i left on the 17 of September, so its not to much more to do.
Conference was so great this week, We rented four buses to go all around Puerto to bring members, and we filled up the whole chapel! Lots of the recent converts received the Melchizedek priesthood this week, which was great. We don’t have to much priesthood power here. As you know, about 75% of the members are women, what a shame. Some people from Managua came and talked with us this week about what Puerto can do better. The Missionaries have a huge roll here, every branch has either two or four missionaries. And we run almost everything.
Other news! I was going to be released from my mission on Aug 30 2016, but the MTC is having a change in the time missionaries are going to be there. So... we have been given two more weeks to work here in Nicaragua! So I will now be leaving around Sept 12. Its only two weeks more, and i left on the 17 of September, so its not to much more to do.
Conference was so great this week, We rented four buses to go all around Puerto to bring members, and we filled up the whole chapel! Lots of the recent converts received the Melchizedek priesthood this week, which was great. We don’t have to much priesthood power here. As you know, about 75% of the members are women, what a shame. Some people from Managua came and talked with us this week about what Puerto can do better. The Missionaries have a huge roll here, every branch has either two or four missionaries. And we run almost everything.
are some photos of my house, we have a mentally challenged neighbor
named Debra that comes and tries to visit our house all the time.
She usually just stays at the window and talks to us in Spanish
and mosquito. Its so funny.
That’s all for this week, have a great Thanksgiving! Les amo!
Friday, November 20, 2015
Lluvia Sin Fin!
What a rainy week it has been. Every night and day
some big showers are coming through, and our area is a mud hole.
As you might now, all of the mesquites (people of Puerto) here
build their houses upon tall stilts so there house does not get
flooded. For good reason too. A members house, named Hermana
Sandina, was flooded all around, like a pond in the front yard.
We had to scale up the side of the porch, because the stairs
were swamped. Luckily we both have umbrellas, so we don't ever
get too soaked. I have heard that we are nearing the end of the
dry season, but I think the man upstairs kept the best for
We had a few miracles this week. We were visiting a members
house on Tuesday, and found a 19 year old by the name of
Edgar. I could not believe how ready this guy was to be
baptized. He read all of the pamphlets that we gave him, and
even accepted a date to do it. Sadly, he had to move back to
Managua today, so that was sad. He said he wanted to be a
missionary some day, hopefully the missionaries will teach him
when he gets the reference.
Due to the rain, the church attendance at 9:30 on Sunday
was about 12 people. But luckily it stopped and by ten there
were 60 people! This is some serious Mormon standard time,
considering Church starts at 9:00. Everyone always come late,
all the time.
We have some new really cool investigators that Elder
Shawcroft has been teaching for a while. We had a ton of
investigators come to church which was awesome! Two are
brothers named Moises and Victor. Moises came in the morning
session, and victor came in the evening. These brothers are
references from A recent convert of Shawcroft named Enoc. Enoc
is 20 years old and is crazy about missionary work. He brings
a friend to church all of the time, and is planning on serving
a mission next year. Ill try to get a picture of him this
Thats all for this week, thanks for all of the emails. I
love you all so much. Don't forget how blessed all of you are,
the people here really have nothing. Love you all!
Friday, November 13, 2015
Lots of weddings....
It sounds like there are a lot of people getting married up there in the
U.S, and there is no difference here! We sure had a bunch of miracles
this week, because some of our investigators were ready to do it
themselves! On November 7!
We have been teaching two couples for the last few weeks, and this
week they were ready to be married and baptized!One of the families had
great opposition in their family to be baptized, because the parents are
Adventists, and they would not allow it. This couple had so much faith
though, that they did it even with this opposition. Afterward they had to
leave back home to Corn Island. It was sure a miracle that they were
baptized, because we contacted them one of the first days they arrived,
and baptized them on their last day here two weeks later.
After the other couple was confirmed on Sunday, they invited us over
to eat with them for lunch, it was great! They were our neighbors, so it
was really cool, right there on the beach.
More news, I no longer live on the beach.... we had changes this week,
the mission is combining the area with another, so i am staying in the
combined area, but had to change houses. I also have a new companion
named Elder Shawcroft from Colorado. He is a very nice guy, i am sure we
are going to do great. At least the new house has running water, but it
does not have the stereo or couches.
Our neighbors kicked their drunk neighbor out of their house, so he is
sleeping on the deck of my old house now. it is so sad to see how
alcohol can destroy families like that.
We are have been battling the rats in our house this week, as well!
Late, on Friday night, we returned home, and there.... on my counter
top...... rummaging around my tooth brush.... was a big fat rat!!! I
quickly grabbed the broom as Elder Accordino grabbed the Baygon. The rat
took off, running up the window curtains, but with no escape. Accordino
tried to spray it off the wall, but it dodged his attempts. Then the rat
took the only way out, running on the floor. My comp and I both stomped
on it several times as it ran off, but it somehow survived, climbed up
the wall, and disappeared into the crack in the wall, luckily my new
house is rat free as far as we know.
Thanks for all the emails, I love you guys so much, have a great week!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Die de Muertos
Feliz Dia de los Muertos!
The only sight of celebration here for Halloween/Day of the Dead is that the
mayor house was closed so we could not retrieve the certificate from the
marriage a few weeks ago, what a bummer. Well, at least everything else was
This week we were passing
for the family of a guy named Pablo from Corn Island. They live right on the
beach so it is pretty sweet to visit them. They are all so great, the seven of
them went to see the baptisms on Saturday and all went to church on Sunday.
What a miracle. One night walking back from there house a few drunks from the
street began to yell and chase us. Luckily drunk people can’t run to fast, so
we made it out scratch free.
Last night though, My
district leader Elder Chen was robbed by a bunch of guys in the street, they
got all their money robbed along with their phone and some bags. Luckily the
guys just threw some of it in the street, so they got it back today.
I went on divisions with
Elder Chen this week, and it was great. He only has 19 weeks left in the
mission so he knows a lot. I feel like I am always still learning how to be a
better missionary. Sometimes when we don't have success it feels like I am
doing something wrong, but all missionaries go through times without success.
Today was kind of
frustrating because we took a taxi to go and buy food, and my cell phone
dropped out of my pocket in the seat. We tried to call it a little later, but
it was already turned off by someone.
I want to thank you all
so much for all you guys do for me. I love you guys so much.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Hola Familia!
Thanks for the emails again, even though this is
around the 60th time, i enjoy reading them every time. It sounds
pretty good up there with fall coming in. Nothing to new has
happened here in Puerto, just some rain like always, and good
stuff like that.
There is really not anything new that happened, sorry, its
all pretty similar every week, got a haircut, we went shopping
for food, same old same old. Thanks for all you do familia,
love you guys!
This month we have had a hard time finding new positive
investigators to baptize, everyone seems to already be part of
the Morava church or something else and does not want to hear
the message. It is so hard trying to share something you know
is true to people that are just stuck up in their own beliefs.
Luckily though, we found a family of seven people right on the
beach who want to be baptized! They even went to church. This
is a big miracle in my mission. Even though I have been in
this area for five months now, there are always more people to
Lots of dog attacks this weeks, we have an investigator
named maria that has some dogs, and every time we approach her
house, they try to bite us every time. Maybe we will invest in
a slingshot...., luckily none of us have been bitten, yet.
Yeah, if you seen that picture of the beach, you can see
that it is quite polluted, people just throw their trash
wherever they want, its really sad. You can find everything
just laying around, broken radios, tons of shoes, and even
broken TV's. That's why Lake Managua is very polluted, because
all of the trash ends up there.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Honderainian migration
Well, as you can see by the heading, Puerto has a
lot to do with Honduras. I swear about half the people here are
from Honduras. There is a great division between the mesquito
people in Honduras and Nicaragua that situate in the Esat Coast,
and the Latin American Western Coast. There has been lots of
talk about this resentment from the natives here. They want to
be their own community.
The members of the ward went to the temple this week, so
president Glen of our district was absent this week. It takes
a few days to get there from Puerto, so its quite a journey in
the bus. I cant believe what they imagine when they go their,
living in a small society where only the very richest people
have a car if its not a taxi, and then go to a building like
that. I don't want to say my branch president is poor, but
lives in very modest conditions.
Also more stuff about Hondurainians is about our neighbors!
They were baptized and married this week! It was so great, and
there were so happy! The photo i sent is of them and one of
their children, the others are only more neighbors. sadly, the
moms mother has fallen sick and they had to return home this
morning to Honduras at 4 am. Only one day after their baptism
and confirmation. Hopefully they will find the church there.
What luck. What is really cool though, is that I started
teaching this family since I came to Puerto with Monson, this
is a five month conversion! Just safe to show that some people
take a little longer than others to be converted.
Sad news....... our neighbors dog Spikey passed away....
and they buried right infront of the house... kind of strange.
then the same day a boy in another neighbors house passed away
and they burried him right infront of the house as well.
Strange customs here in Nicaragua.
The other photo is me and my ZL Elder Compton from Brigham
city. He is finishing his mission in three weeks, it will be
sad to see him leave.
Thanks for all of your emails! I love you guys all so much,
dont forget to read your scriptures and pray! Love you!
Venido de Presidente
As you can see from my email heading, the mission
president came this week to talk with all of the missionaries.
it was really great to be able to speak with him, he gave me
some great council to use in my work.President Collado is from
Costa Rica and i think is about forty years old. He was very
interested in what i had to ask him instead of an interrogation
as some interviews are. He really tried to help me in all my
problems that i have in the work, and is very sincere. I learned
a ton.
We also got some medicine and some permeation for all those
critters lurking in our house. Such as Tarantulas,
Cockroaches, Rats, and above all mosquitoes.
This week some really heavy rain came in. We had a bit of a
dry spell, but this week it pored. Most of the houses here are
supported on stilts, some sitting as high as 6 feet off the
ground. We lived by a house that was really big, and really
high. The stilts did not sit straight and we knew that it was
not going to last very long. This week at 2 in the morning one
of tghe days the house fell in a rain storm. Luckily the house
and people were not damaged in anyway, but now they have to
scrap everything. Really taught me you have to have a good
foundation if you want your house to last.
This week we had some unexpected people in the church which
was great. A big rain storm came in the morning, so we went
out in the rain a little bit. We promised the people that if
they would prepare to go to church god might let up the rain,
and guess what! It stopped, but we still had a pretty bad
attendance. Our Branch is not doing very good, but all is
Some really cool investigators came to church this week.
They are from Honduras. No one else looks to promising though.
We are trying really hard to get some baptismal dates with the
Thanks for all you do, love you family, have a great week!
Friday, October 9, 2015
Conferencia General
Amado familia! I hope that your week was as great
as mine was! We worked really hard this week to have a ton of
people to go to genral conference this week. At the end of the
week, we had a grand total of 20 people committed to go to at
least one of the sessions this week. As we passed by for each
session, each person told us that they would go the next
seesion, and the next session, until hardly anyone went. Luckily
a neighboring family decided to go, named hermano santos and
hermana anselma! what a blessing! And our awsome convert
Francisco went to three of the five session, which was great. We
rented out three buses for every session, so it was a really big
deal down here. The church never spends money like that.
Today we had a giant water balloon fight, which was fun and
super hot. I bet i sweated a gallon of water. After we did the
weekly tradition and went to eat at pizza johns.
I really learned a lot in conference this week. I really
enjoyed the talk given by Bednar about how even the apostles
and the prohphet are extremely old, they have wisdom and need
to be heard from. I hope that you all had an opportunity to
hear from them this week. They were great. Thanks for all
family, i love you!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Una semana mas!
Well, this week was actually really great. As you
may or may not have known, this week was changes! And i am
staying with Elder Accordino for one more change! I am really
excited about that, i love this area a lot, and we have a few
really great investigators.
Somethings that happened this week...
My comp got attacked by a dog as we were leaving an
investigators house, but miracuosly he was shutting the gate
to their yard at the same second the dog bit, so it got a face
full of wood. What a miracle. This morning we saw a boy that
was not so lucky that was provoking our neighbors dog and was
attacked. This kid is not very kind, so he deserved it.
We found a huge green crab in our bathroom. My comp was
already paranoid of tarantulas, but when he went to the
bathroom a crab went running around and scared him quite good.
Not to mention a rat is living in our house, we came home and
he ran around the room a few times, then up into the attic.
Last night we were playing games at our dinner sita where
you try to push the other person over trying to only use your
hands, and when we left at eight thirty, we saw the lunar
eclipse, which was totally unexpected. All of our neighbors
have a weird ritual that you must make a ton of noise by
banging things around the house to make the blood moon go
away. They say if a pregnant woman is out during a lunar
eclipse it will make the baby defected when born. Weird....
On Sunday all of our possibilities fell to go to church,
but luckily a family went that we did not expect to go, which
was a big miracle in our week.
Today Elder Shirlee is being tranferred to new area, so I
wont eat lunch with him any more. He is the one in this photo
sitting to my left at lunch.
Well, thats my week! Love you guys a ton!
Thursday, September 24, 2015
One Year Down
Well, completed a year this week. It was great. We
made pancakes to celebrate and they were delicious. It has
been really rainey this week, some good ones came through.
Francisco got the priesthood yesterday which was great,
and was really happy about it. He is a shy dude, but is always
really happy and wants to do whats right. Another great thing
that happened was the church attendance. As you remember the
rainstorm came last week so the attendance was only 32. But,
every must have felt bad for not going last week and the
attendance was 105 this week! What a jump. Anyways, Puerto has
been growing really well, with an attendance of 780 this week
in the whole town and the church has about 10 years here. That
is progress!
My comp found a tarantula crawling up his leg in our
bathroom while taking a shower this week. It was super grande.
We baptised a nino this week named Becker this week. He was
a jaron, or to say that he probably will not be the most
reliable convert, but we put a goal for his family to
reactivate 3 weeks ago and for him to be baptized, but turned
out that only he went to church. We then bought him some new
flip flops to congratulate him.
Right now a huge rain storm is flooding the streets
outside. The power already turned off once here.
This week we are going to try to invite lots of people to
be baptized. Hope that we can find them! Thanks for all the
support you have given me over the past year, love you guys!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Clima Loca
Hey Family, thanks for all your emails, I hope
that all of you are doing very well and that you are grateful
for the cold weather that is coming in.
Then disaster struck again the next morning! A huge storm
came in that night and i have only seen it rain that hard one
time before in Managua! There were rivers going everywhere and
everything was flooded! We were soaked to the bone, but
luckily I had a water proof bag, so my scriptures did not
ruin. We passed by all of our investigators and members, but
almost nobody went to church this week. We had an attendance
of 32, which is an all time low. So sad. But... The two that
were baptized and married c
ame to church and were confirmed. It was a miracle.
This week was really great with Elder Accordino, we had a
family baptized this week! they were all ready to be baptized
and married this week, when bad news came in. Our lawyers were
caught in Managua for the night because of plane problems. We
though we would have to delay the marriage and baptism for the
next week, but miraculously we found a lawyer at the last
minute. They were able to marry and be baptized this
ame to church and were confirmed. It was a miracle.
This week we also found some lovely neighbors living
under our front porch. One night we came back to hear a bunch
of snorting and grunting under the porch. We found that it was
a huge old pig that had just given birth in the last few days
with a bunch of piglets! they were super tiny.
Today we went to the beach again just to hang out for an
hour. Today is independence day, so tonight will be crazy.
Hope you enjoy these photos. They are of some of my best
friends in the mission. My comp in the pink elder Accordino
from Saint George, Elder Shirlee the radish hair from Boise.
And Elder Chen my District leader. We all eat lunch together
everyday before working, it is great.
Love you guys, stay safe!
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Tons of Baptisms!
This week has been really good, the zone broke a record for baptisms this week. This month PĆ¼erto Cabezas has baptized 64 people which broke the old record of 52 in one month that was set last year! I am going to send a picture of the bunch that was baptized this week. My comp and i were able to baptize one of the little kids named Junior this week. It is pretty crazy that we baptize so many here in Puerto. Most missions have the problem that they dont baptize when we baptize every month for sure. I feel like sometimes missionaries just baptize people to get the number like a grade, or baptize only because they are pressured to and have to find someone. It just reminds me that every mission has a different way to do the work.
We also found some other cool families here! Due to
the Marava church, German influence is heavy withing this
area. We have to families both with the last name Hitler! They
are both looking really positive, because they both want to be
baptized. We will see how that goes this week.
President Nelson came to Managua and we got to skype to
see his broadcast. It was really blurry and hard to hear, but
also really cool to see the presdient of the twelve. Than we
ordered pancakes from the nearby hotel to eat. Then last night
he did a meeting in managua last night, and he taqlked a lot
about medical stuff and related it to the gospel. It was
really cool how simple he tought, but with how much meaning he
had behind his words.
Well, thats all for this week, love you guys a ton, and
hope that all is great at home!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Hey Family!
Hola Familia! Sorry I could not send
you a very long email last week, the internet went out in all of Puerto last
week and we could not email very long when it came back on.
This week was really good. My
new companion is from Saint George Utah named Elder Accordino. He is a total
country boy and loves anything that has to do with trucks, planes, engines and
all that kind of stuff. We did not baptize this week, which was a little disappointing,
but we have one set for next week! A boy named Junior whos parents are menos
activo wants to be baptized! Also good news is that Puerto Might break the
record for the zone with the most baptisms this month! The old record was set
last year at 52 baptisms for one zone, but this month Puerto might get 60! Que
I miss you all so much. It has felt
like forever since I have seen you all. There are so many things I miss back
home, but I can’t complain, Puerto really is the best. Here on the mission
there are sure a lot of ups and downs. Especially when you are not having a lot
of success in your area, but everyone else is. That is really hard.
We are teaching a family that lives
right by our house with the man named Kiko. He is a very nice guy who is
looking to change is his around. He even went to church this week which was
It’s still in the rainy season here,
so rain showers pass be quite frequently. The mosquitos are getting really bad,
but luckily we have mosquito nets, so I don’t have to worry about getting Chikanguya
or Malaria quite as much. Malaria is starting to break out here I have heard,
but the mosquitos really only get you in the night if you don’t have a mosquito
Today we played frisbee as a zone
which was cool. A sister had her birthday today so some other missionaries
threw eggs at her which is Central America tradition. I get burned so fast
here, because the sun is so powerful here that after one hour I was turning a
little pink. Afterward we went and ate some pizza at a small local joint named
Pizza Johns.
Elder Nelson is coming this week!
All of Nicaragua except for Puerto gets to go see him! But that’s ok, I would
really totally be here in Puerto than be in any other zone! This week we had a
bonfire to welcome the three news that came into the zone, which is always
good. My friend Elder Pilling from New Zealand was transferred out so that was
a bummer. Due to its length from the other side of Nicaragua, only a few people
are changed each six weeks, so we are all really good friends here in Puerto.
It is a lot different than any other zone.
Well, that’s all i can think to say,
I love you all so much and hope that you guys are good. Love you!
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